District Governor Steve Wieneke recognized the nine members of the Club that have made a commitment to Rotary's Polio Plus Society during the Club's Awards & Recognition Banquet on June 27th.  These individuals have committed to making an annual donation or $100 to the Polio Plus Fund of The Rotary Foundation.  This commitment will stay in effect until the World Health Organization certifies that polio has been fully eradicated worldwide.  Each member making this commitment will receive a certificate and pin.  Members that have made this commitment are Juan Aris, Jacquelyn Duke, Neil Fell, Rich Job, Kristofer Orth, Steve SchraderBachar, Sally Schroeder, Pat Timmons, Brenda Wieneke, and Steve Wieneke.   Any member that would like to join the Polio Plus Society should contact Steve Wieneke or Nate Burnham to obtain the form. 