Contributions to The Rotary Foundation are essential to securing and growing Rotary programs throughout the world.   Foundation points are awarded to donors who contribute to The Rotary Foundation through the Annual Program Fund or PolioPlus.  Donors are recognized by being named “Paul Harris Fellows” or “Multiple Paul Harris Fellows” at increments of 1,000 Foundation points.  In addition, a donor receives one Foundation “recognition” point for every U.S. dollar contributed.


Recognition points belong to the original donor until the donor's death, or until the donor uses the points.  Donors can transfer these recognition points to other Rotarians or non Rotarinas, to help them become or to be named as a Paul Harris Fellow or Multiple Paul Harris Fellow.  You can even recognize a deceased individual by requesting a Memorial Paul Harris Fellowship.  A minimum of 100 Foundation recognition points must be transferred at one time and an authorized signature is required when completing the transfer form.  The Rotary Club of Ankeny has several members with over 1,000 recognition points.  Have you considered making your spouse or parent a Paul Harris Fellow?   If you would like more information on donating your points, contact Steve SchraderBachar, Ankeny Foundation Chairman.
