The Rotary Club of Ankeny has been using ClubRunner since late 2009 to generate our website, maintain all member profiles, create and distribute our newsletter, accept online registrations for events, send e-mail messages and manage attendance information.  The attendance module has recently been updated by adding some new features.  In addition to the ability to generate attendance history and additional reports, this "Module 3.0" allows for banking make-ups.   Instead of keeping a separate spreadsheet to keep tract of make-ups and then periodically matching them up with missed meetings, make-ups can be entered into the system and are automatically applied to a missed meeting.  If there are no missed meetings, the make-up is banked to be applied to a later missed meeting. 
With this new attendance module, the maximum setting for number of days a make-up can be used is 366.  This means, if a banked make-up is not needed and used within a year after it was earned, it is lost.  In the past with our manual system, unused makeups have been carried over to the next year.
Each member can check their own attendance history by logging on to our website and going to "Member Area" and clicking on "Attendance" under "My ClubRunner".  You will see a report listing all the meetings for the current year and indicating if you were in attendance or if you have made up the meeting.  It will also list any make-ups that you have "Banked".  If when checking your attendance record, you see and discrepancies or missing make-ups, please contact Nate Burnham.   Remember, except for socials and group events, Nate may not know when you complete a make-up unless you report it to him.